Newsletter April 2019

April-June, 2019 Edition

The shores of Leesville Lake provide a portrait of Spring with the return of greenery in the trees and a brilliant  array of flowering foliage wherever one looks.

The brand new quarterly digital Emagazine,”Living the Dream at Leesville Lake” is published by the Leesville Lake Association and offers an update of current events, activities and lifestyle at Leesville Lake. 

Leesville Lake Members can expect to find the latest edition in their Email in-boxes at the beginning of each quarter: January-March; April-June; July-September; and October-December.
  Inside This Issue:
  • A Message from Dave Rives, LLA President: “Spring on the Blue Jewel Near the Blue Ridge Mountains” 
  • 2019 Leesville Lake Calendar of Events
  • Who Lives On or Near Leesville Lake? Meet Resident(s), Carmen and Kathy Perri 
  • June, 2019 Membership Drive
  • LLA Treasurer’s Report from Mary Loiselle
  • Water Quality Committee Report from Chair, Tony Capuco
  • Debris Committee Report from Co-Chairs, Jim and Randy Weiss
  • Navigation Committee Report from Chair, Joe Humphrey
  • Safety Committee Report from Chair, Gerry Caprario
  • Beautification Day Committee Report from Chair, Dannie Smith
  • Consider Becoming the New LLA Membership Committee Chair
  • Complete List of 2018-19 LLA Board of Directors & Chairs
  • A Resident Testimonial About Living on Leesville Lake From Phyllis Garlick
  • Featured Photo of “Me and My Pet Living the Dream” at Leesville Lake
  • Photo Submissions Requested for the 2020 Leesville Lake Calendar
  • Thank you to Leesville Lake Service Provider Members
  • A Note From the LLA EMagazine Editor, Randy Weiss: “Why Leesville Lake?”                                                                      
This EMagazine is brought to you by:
The Leesville Lake Association
P.O. Box 68, Altavista, VA 24517

Photo: A peek through the Spring buds at the lake

Note: If you have any difficulty viewing content or photos, please click on “view this Email on your browser” located on the very top of this EMagazine

                       A Message from Dave Rives, LLA President:                                    ” Spring on the ‘Blue Jewel Near the Blue Ridge Mountains’ “

Hello to all from my family to yours.  I trust everyone survived the  winter and that you’re ready for another great spring and summer here on the “Blue Jewel Near the Blue Ridge Mountains.”

Your Board continues to work hard on the mission of the Association: To help keep the 17-mile long Leesville Lake, with its 100-miles of wooded shoreline, beautiful, safe for water sports, healthy for fish and other habitat, and a tranquil haven for residents and visitors alike.

One important way by which we accomplish this is by working with APCo through our various committees: Debris, Navigation, Water Safety & Education and Water Quality. I’d like to encourage anyone interested in serving on any of these committees to let us know via our website. We can always use new blood and fresh ideas!

Speaking of the website, we are in the process of updating our overall communication packaging in 2019. We hope you’re enjoying the new EMagazine format of this newsletter. Likewise, we are renewing our website ( to better serve our members and the public in general.  Stand by and check in periodically. I’d like to ask for your help in this communication and collaboration effort.  I’d like to meet with representatives of all subdivisions/developments around the lake to better prioritize our focus here on the lake.

If the HOAs could please forward me a list of their officers and contact information, it would be greatly appreciated.  My email address is below.

Finally, I want to remind everyone to please continue to submit debris reports. In 2018 there were over 230 debris reports submitted to APCo via TLAC and your Association. Over half of those reports were during Q2 as the boating and vacation season cranked up. Please keep up the effort. It is making a difference.

Everyone take care and be safe on the lake,
Dave Rives

                                Photo: A boat ride with Papa is always a special occasion

                          2019-20 Leesville Lake Calendar of Events

        Mark your calendar for a year full of activities. Here are upcoming 2019 LLA events.

                                                           Board Meetings:
The LLA Board Meetings are open to all LLA members (please see note below)
February 14: Leesville Lake Marina 6:30 PM *
March 14:  Leesville Lake Marina 6:30 PM
May 9:  Staunton River Library, Altavista 6:30 PM 
June 13:  Staunton River Library, Altavista 6:30 PM
August 8:  Staunton River Library, Altavista 6:30 PM
Sept 12:  Staunton River Library, Altavista 6:30 PM
Nov 14:  Staunton River Library, Altavista 6:30 PM
Dec 12:  Staunton River Library, Altavista 6:30 PM

                                                         Membership Meetings 
The LLA Board Meetings are open to all LLA members (please see note below)
Jan 12: Altavista Train Station 10:30 AM * 
Apr 13:  Altavista Train Station 10:30 AM Speaker: Rob Gallimore, AEP Plant Manager for Hydro Generation. 
We have asked Rob to educate the membership on lake operations and to be prepared to respond to questions and concerns raised by the membership. Your attendance is encouraged as this will be your opportunity to speak directly to a member of AEP’s leadership team responsible for the lake.
July 13:  Annual Membership Meeting/Picnic at the Leesville Lake Marina                                            Oct 12:  Altavista Train Station 10:30 AM (speaker to be determined) 
Note: All LLA members may attend Board Meetings since they are open meetings. However, only Board Members may vote on actions being taken as these meetings are formatted for participation by Board Members only. General Membership Meetings are designed to give all LLA members an opportunity to more actively participate.
                                                          Beautification Day
June 8: Please save the date to join friends, neighbors and AEP to clean the Leesville Lake Shorelines         
 2019 Boating Safety Class(s) Dates
March 16, April 20, May 18: Altavista Train Station (Please click this link for more information)
Leesville Lake Marina – 2736 Marina Drive, Gretna, 24557 * 434.324.8500 
* Staunton River Library – 500 Washington St, Altavista, 24517 * 434.369.5140

* Altavista Train Station – Washington St, 24517 (Adjacent parking with the Staunton River Library) 

                   Photo: Be sure to mark your calendar with April, May and June LLA events 

Who Lives On or Near Leesville Lake?
Meet LLA Resident(s): Carmen and Kathy Perri

The residents of Leesville Lake include a diverse group of delightful people who hail from all over the United States and bring a vast amount of talent to our lake communities. Resident professions and career experience include: business owners; gardeners; government workers; attorneys; scientists; production workers; plumbers and electricians; homemakers; realtors; MDs and PHds; engineers, I.T. experts; educators; musicians; artists; a landscape architect, a recording artist/storyteller, and more.

In each issue of the LLA EMagazine, we will be featuring a LLA resident and this month we are delighted to introduce Carmen and Kathy Perri.

Both teachers, Carmen and Kathy lived in New Jersey all their lives before moving to Virginia. Their last home was in West Amwell in Hunterdon County, situated between Princeton and Trenton. It was a rural area, three miles from the Delaware River-no sidewalks, street lights or close neighbors. While the area was rural, they had an active life, full of meaningful relationships and community involvement. 

On a trip to Virginia, they visited Smith Mountain Lake but did not care for all the boat traffic so their realtor recommended a smaller, less noisy lake, that turned out to be none other than Leesville Lake. The next day they went out on a pontoon boat from the marina and that was it. They found their dream area.

Having made several offers on lots that didn’t work out, they finally found their piece of “PERRIdise” in Runaway Bay. Kathy recalls, “The tranquility of the lake, the change of seasons
in this area, and the chance to build a dock and jump in the water or get in our kayaks was a fantastic selling point.” Kathy actually grew up in a small lake community and always wanted to retire in a similar setting. Also, the fact that she claims to be part fish made the decision to buy an easy one. That was in 2004. With retirement in sight they started designing their lake house .

Luckily Carmen had built and renovated 17 homes in the Lambertville/Princeton area, and designed and built two NJ homes for Kathy and himself, while teaching high school. With such experience, they felt that they pretty much knew what to expect. Kathy says,“The hardest aspect was dealing with some of the subcontractors who would break for lunch and go fishing and not return that day. It has been said if you can build one house and still stay together you are doing well. We have built three together and just celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary last June.” 

Carmen and Kathy have made many lasting friendships via all their activities in Runaway Bay and the surrounding community. Both are dedicated workers at their church Parish Councils and were formerly active with DAWN.

An avid athletic enthusiast, Kathy values the benefits of an active physical life. She also loves reading, gardening and socializing. Kathy helped teach tennis at the Altavista YMCA, and is a former volunteer at the Altavista library. She served as a board member on the Campbell County Zoning Board as well as a volunteer. Kathy belongs to the Avoca Book Club, and is an officer of St Victoria Church Ladies Guild.  At the time of this writing she was preparing for the Lynchburg 5K she was about to run in. If you ever want to take a hike, she welcomes your call. 

Carmen enjoys helping neighbors with building projects and Sudoku. He and neighbor, Ron Long have built 6 sheds in the neighborhood to match the house designs. 

For 12 years, he has volunteered endless hours to do Blitz Builds for Altavista Habitat for Humanity. He also travels outside the state with the Habitat Crazies to help communities get started on their houses. Carmen serves on the Leesville Lake Association Board, the Campbell County Zoning Board, and presently, on the Runaway Bay HOA Board.

Carmen and Kathy have three children who live with their families live in Dallas, Texas, Naples, Florida, and Raleigh, North Carolina.  Carmen notes, “Our ‘Perridise’ house is perfect for family gatherings, old NJ friends’ visits, and great times with the grandkids- with and without mom and dad. The grandkids have developed friendships with our closest neighbors and have even had the opportunity to make their own recording in recording artist/storyteller, Jim Weiss’ studio, and visited Jim and Randy at Homeschool conferences in Pennsylvania and Florida.”

Outside of the summer season, the Perri’s travel to visit friends and family, explore new places and enjoy playing “Hand and Foot” with neighbors. They love finding new restaurants in surrounding areas. In addition, they are always on the search for great bread, real hard rolls and bagels-thus far no local results, but they are open to suggestions.

Carmen and Kathy have never looked back regarding their move to Leesville Lake. They both agree that the peaceful setting, combined with easy access to neighboring communities is a pretty great way to live.

Photo: Carmen and Kathy (far left) celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary on a cruise with their lovely family

          Introducing the June, 2019 Leesville Lake membership Drive:                      Learn What the LLA Does & How You Can Become a Member

The Leesville Lake Association is intent on welcoming all lake residents and recreational lake users as members of the LLA. Please reach out to your friendand neighbors who enjoy Leesville Lake in any capacity to join the Leesville Lake Association during our June 3-28, 2019 Membership Drive. 
The Leesville Lake Association is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation that was formed in August 2003 to promote stewardship of Leesville Lake by:
  • Monitoring and protecting water quality 
  • Assisting clean-up of waters and shorelines
  • Assisting in safe recreational use such as creating and maintaining mile markers and navigational aids, including a detailed map of the lake in conjunction with AEP 
  • Assisting in economic development 
  • Fostering optimum water levels.
Additionally, the LLA board members and committee chairs maintain consistent, on-going relationships with essential agencies such as TLAC (Tri-County Lakes Administrative Commission) and AEP (Appalachian Electric Power).  These relationships are critical in protecting the safety and overall high quality of Leesville Lake. Board members and committee chairs and their teams are all volunteers who need the support of a solid membership backing their efforts. Please consider yourself as part of the team and become a LLA member
The annual membership dues are $25 and they are tax deductible.
To join, please visit and choose one of these two options:
1.) Print and Mail the Membership Application with your check for $25                                                   to Leesville Lake Association P.O. Box 68, Altavista, VA  24517
2.) Pay On-line with a credit card via the Membership Application 
The Leesville Lake Association encourages  recreational users of the lake as well as community members to support the work of our association along with lake residents. If you are already a member, the LLA thanks you. If you are not yet a member, please join today.
* If you or your HOA would like Membership Application Flyers for distribution to your community, please contact Randy Weiss at

                       LLA Treasurer’s Report from Mary Loiselle

              Hopefully by the time you’re reading this, spring has sprung at the lake!       

As a native of western New York State (Buffalo area), I didn’t like spring.  It was always gray skies, piles of dirty snow  in parking lots, worms on the sidewalk and nothing in bloom.  Even my April birthday didn’t cheer me up.  Not until I moved first to northern Virginia, and then to Pittsylvania County that I realized what spring should look like.  Forsythia, Bradford pear trees, Crabapples, plus daffodils, jonquils, tulips, not to mention Redbuds and Dogwoods are all in some phase of blossoming and a few have been since March.  

What a difference that color and warmer temperatures make! We survived the winter (mild as it may be here) and we are ready for the blue skies, warm breezes, cold beverages and our docks, boats and floats!
All is well in my corner of the lake and with the financial accounts of the Leesville Lake Association. We appreciate when you pay dues and we are fiscally responsible stewards for your money.  The price of dues is a modest amount ($25) and a modest income for the association.  Last year we mailed invoices one time, in July, rather than emailing them or notifying everyone via the newsletter. We’ve also moved away from billing on a quarterly basis.

We will have personalized invoices ready in July at the Beautification Day Appreciation Picnic/ Annual Member Meeting on July 13th.  After that, we will mail the remaining invoices and dues will be due by August 31.  

The board of directors and committee chair women and men are all dedicated to Leesville Lake. From Beautification Day to water quality management to the debris committee, volunteers are working year-round to make the lake a better place to live and visit.  It takes a village to manage the association and look out for the interests of residents on or near the lake and visitors to the lake.  If you’re not a member, please join!  If you’re not involved, please consider donating some time to the worthwhile committees and groups that make up the Leesville Lake Association.   

                                         Mary Loiselle                         

                           Photo: Mary definitely knows how to “live the dream at Leesville Lake”

           Water Quality Committee Report from Chair, Tony Capuco

Results from our water monitoring efforts for 2018 have been summarized in the annual report that is posted on our Association Website (  As summarized in previous communications, the water quality issues that we faced on Leesville Lake (LVL) in 2017 have been resolved

Throughout the season, LVL has consistently displayed attributes of a healthy and maturing lake.  However, the Pigg River flows into our lake and poses a challenge to LVL because sediment, nutrient content and bacterial levels in the river appear to have increased in recent years. Our expanded monitoring of the Pigg River in 2018 showed that nutrients in the river were high, oxygen levels low, and 85% of samples collected in the Pigg River exceeded Virginia’s safety standards for bacterial content. This situation has not degraded the health of LVL, but has impacted water quality near the mouth of the Pigg River.  Our mission is to protect LVL and to enhance its health, and this can be fostered by improving the health of the Pigg River.  As construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline in the Pigg River watershed proceeds, it is particularly important that we keep on top of this issue.

During the offseason, we have shared our recent data with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) and will continue to work with them as we seek improvement in the quality of water on the Pigg River. Although Appalachian Power Company funds our water quality monitoring on LVL and provided additional funds to expand those efforts to the Pigg River in 2018, it appears that a continuation of funding for Pigg River investigations is not forthcoming.  We are awaiting a final decision.

In the meantime, our Association has submitted a grant request to the Fray Family Charitable Trust Foundation for funding water monitoring activities on the Pigg River in 2019, and we are also submitting a request for support to the Tri-County Lake Administrative Commission (TLAC).  The VDEQ is not able to provide funding in 2019, but may be a source of funds for needed activities in 2020.

It is our hope that continued investigation will confirm areas of concern on the Pigg River and identify likely sources for nutrient and bacterial contamination.  With that information, we hope to develop strategies to improve the health of the Pigg River.

Lumbering activity along the lake and streams provides a potential source of sediment, bacteria and nutrients flowing into LVL.  In recent weeks, we have seen clear cutting in a region adjacent to a cove south of Goat Island (see photo below).  An investigation into clear cutting practices and the enforcement of existing regulations is in order to minimize the impact of extensive lumbering on our lake.  Anyone interested in addressing this issue should contact our committee  at

We are all looking forward to an enjoyable season on LVL.  Ensuring the continued health of LVL requires continued vigilance by our Association and its members.  Please consider volunteering for our Beautification Day Activities and otherwise actively participating in our Association.

Thanks to my Water Quality Committee Members: Dave Waterman and Jim Weiss.
                                                              Tony Capuco
Water Quality Chair

      Above Left Photo: Tony diligently takes monthly water samples   throughout Leesville Lake

                               Above Right Photo: Clear cutting as described above

        Debris Committee Report from Co-Chairs, Jim and Randy Weiss

In 2017, the Leesville Lake Debris Committee was formed on behalf of the Leesville Lake Association. Our committee consists of Jim and Randy Weiss (Co-Chairs); Frank and Barb Podrebarac; Jim and Wanda Riccione, and Gary and Pam Mcmillan.    

We are a very active committee, dedicated to the safety and health of Leesville Lake. Our purpose is to address debris on Leesville Lake, including AEP’s ongoing participation in keeping the lake clear of debris that potentially poses a safety hazard for public use, and the overall aesthetics and enjoyment of our beautiful lake.

We continue to strive for a productive working relationship with AEP. 

  • Members of our Debris Committee have been invited to accompany the AEP crew on monthly inspections of Leesville Lake, and our committee has been asked to recommend where the crew will work the next month.
  • From January-March, AEP has been concentrating efforts in the Leesville Dam area, and expects to resume their debris retrieval work once more in the main channel and selected coves. 
  • A more conclusive  2019 Work Schedule/Plan remains in the working and we will report the results in the July-September, 2019 EMagazine.

It is important to note that our Committee’s work on Leesville Lake is an on-going work-in-progress. Our continued success greatly increases with involvement of lake residents and recreational users. Please contact us with your comments, concerns and suggestions–and above all, please report debris on the lake, as directed below. 

                              It is more important than ever to report lake debris sightings.

We strongly request that all residents and boaters of Leesville Lake to Email complaints and STILL-photos regarding lake debris to both of these on-line addresses:

* (TLAC-Tri-County Lakes Administrative Commission)                              (LLA Debris Committee)                  
  • Your address, phone number and/or Email (if Email, include a statement as follows: “I give TLAC/AEP permission to contact me by Email”). This information is critical because AEP historically has, and should respond to you regarding your complaint, so we wish to assure that they have your correct contact information.
  • Mile Marker Number of debris locale or a landmark or address that would describe the area. 
  • Still-photos only are accepted (Do not send videos or other formats)
  • Please send only one complaint per specific incident, per family

Your participation is greatly needed and we urge you to alert our committee and TLAC every time you recognize unsightly debris in your locale. 

Please join us at our next Membership Meeting on April 13 at the Altavista Train Station at 10:30 AM, where you will be able to ask questions and express concerns to Rob Gallimore, AEP Plant Manager for Hydro Generation. See the calendar above for more information. 

When you see the AEP Crew nearby your home or when boating, be sure to thank them for their hard work. We really appreciate their efforts.

If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, (other than photos/complaints which should be sent to the g-mail address above), please contact us.

                                                           Jim and Randy Weiss
Leesville Lake Debris Committee Co-Chairs
on Behalf of the Leesville Lake Association Debris Committee

Photo: Any and every lake has its share of debris, but at Leesville Lake, Chairs, Jim and Randy and their Debris Committee members are actively dedicated to minimizing debris all year round.

             Navigation Committee Report from Chair, Joe Humphrey

The LLA Association recently received the necessary approvals from TLAC and the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries for placement of three Shoal-Hazard Area markers.
The locations of these initial markers are all on the Pittsylvania County side of the lake as follows:
Shoal across from the northern point of land of Heron Landing Point across from the north end of Goat Island (southern point of Heron Landing)  and Old Woman’s Shoal adjacent to Leesville Lake Marina.

We are now in the process of soliciting interested parties for the procurement, assembly and installation of these initial three markers. Following the installation, we will monitor the effectiveness of the installation considering the variable lake levels and the considerable debris the markers will experience. Should the initial installations prove to be suitable, the Navigation Committee will pursue obtaining approval for a second set of hazard markers.

There are approximately 12 hazard locations which have previously been identified as needing markers to alert mariners of potential dangers. For all of us using Leesville Lake we recognize that floating debris certainly remains the most significant safety hazard.  However, the locations identified as needing hazard markers are certainly a safety concern and will benefit from having these hazard markers in place.

If anyone is interested in assisting with the efforts to make our lake a safer place to play and would like to join our Navigation Committee please contact me or the Leesville Lake Association.  We’d be pleased to have your help. Regards, Joe Humphrey Navigation Committee Chair

Joe Humphrey

Photo: Joe and the LLA Navigation Committee strives to secure recreational safety for all at Leesville Lake

                Safety Committee Report from Chair, Gerry Caprario

                                                    Electric Shock Drowning 

Reprinted from: “The Echo”, A Quarterly Publication by Division 8,  The Blue Ridge Division  054-08, US Coast Guard Auxiliary                   

If you have not already, it is time to add the topic of Electric Shock Drowning (ESD) to the content you cover in formal and informal boating safety education. ESD is caused by an electrical current escaping from its source and cursing through the body of a swimmer with enough force to cause paralysis and hence the inability of the swimmer to save herself or himself.


  • Caused by faulty equipment, wiring and/or improper grounding in wiring of a dock, marina, or boat connected to the marina’s or dock’s power supply.
  • As little as 10 milliamps of AC current can cause paralysis/drowning.
  • Hundreds of injuries/deaths have occurred.
  • Freshwater is more dangerous; current flows more easily through body.
  • Electricity to docks signals possible danger zone.

                                                                What to Do:

  • Feel a tingle? Swim away, get out of the water.
  • Witness an ESD? Turn off power, throw a line to swimmer, try to move swimmer away from dock using a nonconductive object, DO NOT pull person towards dock, DO NOT JUMP IN TO HELP. Call 911.


  • Do not swim around docks, boats using electricity, or marinas.
  • Stay 50 yards away.
  • Post signs warning of danger.
  • Follow electrical codes and standards, employ only certified electricians.
  • Inspect electrical wiring frequently, especially after a storm.
  • Encourage “no swimming” policy for marinas, docks, boatyards. Post sign.
  • Do not advocate for or use “Green Light for Swimming” devices. Cause a false sense of a safe environment. Water can appear safe until someone on land turns on a switch.
  • Educate everyone.                                           Additional Resources:

                                                            Gerry Caprario                                                         

Photo: Gerry Caprario’s excellent advice is an asset to all who enjoy Leesville Lake 

     LLA Beautification Day Committee Report from Chair, Dannie Smith

The 16th Annual Beautification Day is coming up and we need you.  Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 8, 9 AM to 3 PM.  Everyone who enjoys our beautiful lake is encouraged to come on out and lend a hand at our biggest and most important safety effort of the year.   

Especially rewarding is roping that huge log and dragging it in to a collection site, with your boat loaded with family or friends. 

Tarps will be available for those who need one to protect their boat.  Please bring your boats to Leesville Lake Marina, Tri-county Marina, Runaway Bay or Brumfield.

Also needed at the collection sites are a few chainsaw operators, handlers and cheerleaders (people who encourage the workers). The Brumfield collection site last year had a very able crew from AEP with their barge. At the 2018 Beautification Day, AEP collected 87.5 tons of debris which included: three dumpsters of debris at Brumfield; nearly two dumpsters at Runaway Bay; two dumpsters at Leesville Lake Marina, and two dumpsters at Ti-County Marina.  Let’s see how many dumpsters we can fill this year at all four collection sites. 

I can hardly wait to see Bob Rankin’s T-shirt design this year. Once again, participants in this year’s Beautification Day will receive a commemorative T-shirt designed by acclaimed artist and lake resident, Bob Rankin. Over the years, the T-shirts with their beautiful designs have become collector’s items among lake residents-another reason to participate.

Want to work from home? Clean your own shore by piling debris in a place that is accessible for one the Beautification Day for one of the boats to pick up. Also, Spring is a good time to burn those bonfire piles of driftwood to make room for another big pile or two this year for folks who can’t make it to a collection site. (Of course, please observe all fire safety regulations and common sense rules.) The four collection sites are: Leesville Lake Marina, Tri-County Marina, Runaway Bay, and Brumfield. 

If you can pilot a vessel, be someone’s first mate, assisting on a boat or at a collection site, please register with me at Or call me with any questions at 434-841-9313.

Watch for more details by E-mail or our Website: You can also contact your community’s HOA for Beautification Day plans and activities specific to your location.

               Remember, more “hands on the net” will make for easier work and more fun.                         Please join us on June 8th to help clean up our lake and shores and keep it beautiful and safe for boating.

 Dannie Smith


Photo: On Beautification Day, Dannie leads the residents/LLA members team as they work together to keep Leesville Lake clean, safe and beautiful 

        Consider Becoming the New LLA Membership Committee Chair

                           Leesville Lake Association Membership Committee Description

Currently, the LLA maintains a list of about 300 members which represents only a portion of Leesville Lake property owners.

Goal: Increase and maintain membership within the following categories:

  • Full-Time Residents on Leesville Lake
  • Part-Time Residents on Leesville
  • LakeOwners of Undeveloped Property on Leesville Lake 
  • Non-Resident Recreational Users of Leesville Lake
  • Local and Out-of-Town Realtors
  • Community Leaders/Associations/Businesses

Create: An Annual Campaign to increase and maintain LLA Membership
A flyer/sell-piece, incentives, membership drives, etc.

Maintain: An Accurate Membership List and an expanded Email/mailing list in Conjunction with the LLA Treasurer, EMagazine Editor and Communications Committee Chair

Mailing Sources: USPS (Post-Card Mailing) * LLA Website * LLA Quarterly EMagazine

Committee Chair: Coordinates all the above with the support of the entire Board of Directors and an enthusiastic committee*

* Committee Members are standing by ready to work with the new Membership Chair

Please contact President, Dave Rives for more information

Photo: Working with great people for a great purpose is a rewarding and fulfilling experience

Complete List of 2018-19 LLA Board of Directors & Committee Chairs

David Rives – Director/President, Executive Committee Chair & TLAC Rep * 804.921.2621

Tracy Pauley – Director/Vice–President, Nominating Committee Chair * 434.509.5401

Phyllis Garlick – Director/Secretary * 434.944-0632

Mary Loiselle – Director/Treasurer * 434.324.6125

Tony Capuco – Director/Water Quality Committee Chair * 240.994.8931

Gerry Caprario – Director/Water, Safety & Education Committee Chair * 434.656.9082 

Dannie Smith – Director/Beautification Day Committee Chair * 434.841.9313

Jim Weiss – Director/Debris Committee Co–Chair * 434.309.9985

J W Burton – Director *434-610-2107

Richard Beaton – Director * 434.656.3302

Frank Podrebarac – Director * 434.324.7690  

Chip Zimmerman – Director * 559.970.2479

Joe Humphrey – Navigation Committee Chair

Randy Weiss – Debris Committee Co-Chair & LLA Newsletter Editor or

Dave Waterman – Webmaster

Ready-to-be-Filled – Membership Chair

Photo: Our LLA board and chairs are dedicated to excellence when it comes to the welfare of Leesville Lake

               A Resident Testimonial About Living on Leesville Lake                                                        From Phyllis Garlick

In August of 1998, my husband Larry and I purchased our property on Leesville Lake.  We have never turned back since that day.  We laugh now as we originally intended to move to the lake when we retired, but we couldn’t stay away.  We have come a long way since then, as our Leesville Lake adventures started by camping in the back of our pickup with a camper shell at least every other weekend.

Next we stepped it up a bit to a medal shed, then to a camper, while Larry built our first home. After 10 years, our dream house came alive.

We enjoy family and friends all year along with the serenity that the lake offers for just the two of us.  Our favorite thing to do is pack a dinner and take out the boat to watch the sun set at one end of the lake and the moon rise from the other.  We are so blessed to have been given the opportunity to live on this beautiful lake.

As secretary for the Leesville Lake Association (twice in my years here), I have worked with so many fine, dedicated individuals who love living and working for the good of Leesville Lake.  The Board of Directors are volunteers who give of their time to make Leesville Lake a wonderful place to live and play for all who want to come down and enjoy the lake.  There is always an opening for anyone to come join us.  Having members and new residents come together for the betterment of the lake is so important.  All associations need new people to give new insights and ideas to help with the development of their cause.

Please consider becoming a member and joining the Board or a committee.  Meeting new neighbors and participating in something that betters the environment of Leesville Lake will be the best reward you can imagine.

This year I hope to meet you out on the lake or at some of the wonderful activities provided by the two great marinas on Leesville Lake. -Phyllis Garlick, Secretary for Leesville Lake Association

                                   Photo:  Can’t you just feel the breeze on Phyllis’ boat?

Featured Photo of “Me and My Pet Living the Dream at Leesville Lake”

Leesville Lake has many furry residents. The dog in this picture adores boats and took no convincing when a friend and neighbor invited him and his family for a boat ride.
Please send your photos of you and your pets to to be published in future issues of “Living the Dream at Leesville Lake.”

              Photo: Captain Bob Rankin generously welcomes all sorts of riders onto his boat 

     Photo Submissions Requested for the 2020 Leesville Lake Calendar

We are happy to announce that the 2020 Calendar is up and running for production later this year. Pictures are a necessity and we are asking that everyone submit your photos.  We need fun, seasonal, wildlife, scenery, skyline, anything you like and want to share with everyone.
Please follow the points below in order for your photos to be eligible for the calendar.

  1. If using your phone, please turn the phone as if you are watching TV.  This will allow the picture to be wider and doesn’t take as much work to make it fit on the page.
  2. All pictures should be submitted by July 31, 2019..
  3. Include the name of the person who took the photo.
  4. For uploading photos:  Go to * Go to Contacts*  Choose “Photo Upload” from the dropdown menu * Follow the prompts.

Please contact Phyllis Garlick at for any questions regarding the calendar.

             Photo: The Leesville Lake Calendar is a great way to welcome 2020. 

              Thank you to Leesville Lake Service Provider Members

There are so many stellar people who can be depended on to assist Leesville Lake residents in all sorts of ways. Thank you to the service providers below for becoming LLA members as well as providing valuable services to our lake communities. 
  • REG ANDERSON, ABR, GRI Long & Foster Realtors, 16869 Moneta Rd., Moneta, VA 24121 * * 540.580.6960                         “Selling 2 Lakes, 2 Lake-Lifestyles: “Smith Mountain & Leesville Lakes”   
  • Robyn Flint, Realtor 540.588.0243 * 
  • Brian Miller, Miller’s Catering 434.942.1466  “Nothing Too Big, Nothing Too Small”
  • Shawn Harter, Construction, Dock Builder, Power-Washing, and more                                      540.750.0909 * “You Name It-I Can Probably Do It”     
The LLA is happy to supply this on-going list. If you are looking for a recommendation or reference, please contact the service provider directly.
                     Photo: Happy customers admire dock builder’s work

                   A Note from the LLA EMagazine Editor, Randy Weiss:                                                             “Why Leesville Lake?”

Why Leesville Lake? The answer is simple and eloquent: Serene, Friendly, Intelligent, Clean, Beautiful, and so much more. 

My husband Jim and I purchased our Leesville Lake property in 2009 thinking of it as an investment. It didn’t take us long to realize that this lot was not only a monetary investment but more importantly, an investment in our time and lifestyle. So we re-thought our plan and began to build.

Our first structure was our dock. At the time we were living in Charlottesville so we would make the two-hour drive to swim in the lake and picnic on our dock. I used to look up at the vacant lot and imagine how great it would be to just go back to the house and enjoy the rest of the day rather than trek back to Charlottesville. And so our next move was to build our house and I have to say that swimming in the lake, picnic’ing on the dock and retiring up to the house is as good as I thought it would be.

Our lake house became a well-used second home while we were working out of Charlottesville. It took us another five years before moving to Leesville Lake full time and we have never looked back. We are gently retired and that additional use of time allowed us to concentrate on specific landscaping activities.

Jim has been a huge Japanese garden fan for as long as I have known him, so we decided to dedicate a portion of our backyard to creating one. With the assistance of a competent gardener, Jim designed and created his dream.

The other side of our yard is under my jurisdiction and it consists of 4 raised beds for growing vegetables and flowers.  With the onset of Spring, refurbishing will soon begin. Once Summer arrives, there is no greater feeling than working in the yard and jumping into the lake to cool off and clean off. It is definitely an “Ahhhh” moment.

Please send me your “Ahhhh” stories about living at Leesville Lake be it on the lake or on dry ground. Please submit stories of how ones’ neighbors have brought joy into your life; upcoming community/neighborhood events that you’d like advertised; a favorite recipe; a special photo that tells a story, and/or testimonials about what you love about Leesville Lake, etc.

This EMagazine is all about you, me, and everybody who is a member of the Leesville Lake Association whether they live on the lake full/part-time, or come on the weekends from neighboring communities to fish, boat, or swim. I so look forward to hearing from you.

                                              Photo: Jim’s Japanese Garden in full bloom

Your July-September, 2019 Issue of “Living the Dream at Leesville Lake”                                        will be Sent in Early July

Our July-September issue will include:
Information about lifestyle, current events, resident members, board members and many more features regarding our beautiful lake…
Stay tuned.
*   *   *   *   *   *   *  

Thanks so much for being part of our Leesville Lake Community-The Leesville Lake Association


                     Photo: Leesville Lake’s resident heron spends some quality time on a dock

Copyright © 2019 Leesville Lake Association, All rights reserved.
Leesville Lake Association Quarterly E-Magazine

Living the Dream at Leesville Lake”
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